
Hedge Funds: The Wild West

Welcome to the wild, wild west. Have you heard about the Canarsie Hedge fund? More money was lost in three weeks than most of us will see in our entire lifetimes. How did this happen and why? The P4Capital team examines this in this week’s Round Table Discussion.


Robbing the Bank

Ever wonder how easy it would be to rob a bank? Well, it happened recently at RBC in Vancouver by two ex-employees of the company. Find out how they pulled it off in this week’s Round table discussion.


The next industrial revolution – The Conclusion

This week, the P4Capital team continues it’s discussion into the Next Industrial Revolution.

Stay tuned.


The next industrial revolution

The first industrial revolution saw the creation of many incredible technologies that changed the very face of the planet. Today, with the advent of 3D printing, globalization and manufacturing, we are beginning another one. How will this change the face of the planet in the 21st century?

The P4Capital executive team investigates.


Steal from the Rich and Give to the Poor — in stocks?

Welcome to 2015 everyone! We start this year off with stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Well, not us per se – but a new app called Robin Hood.

The P4Capital executive team investigates.
